BugSwarm Dataset Releases

Date Version Change Log JSON
July 2, 2023 1.2.5 View Download
December 22, 2023 1.2.4 View Download
October 5, 2023 1.2.3 View Download
August 14, 2023 1.2.2 View Download
May 12, 2023 1.2.1 View Download
March 21, 2023 1.2.0 View Download
December 21, 2022 1.1.5 View Download
August 18, 2021 1.1.4 View Download
April 7, 2020 1.1.3 View Download
November 5, 2019 1.1.2 View Download
November 1, 2019 1.1.1 View Download
October 23, 2019 1.1.0 View Download
May 17, 2019 1.0.1 View Download
February 17, 2019 1.0.0 View Download

Change Logs

Version 1.2.5

  • Added 74 new artifacts.
  • Deprecated 56 artifacts with overly large diffs.
  • Corrected the diff size information (metrics.additions, metrics.deletions, metrics.changes, & metrics.num_of_changed_files) for several artifacts.

Version 1.2.4

Version 1.2.3

Version 1.2.2

Version 1.2.1

  • Added 5 new artifacts.
  • Deprecated 508 artifacts.
    • Deprecated 507 Python artifacts that were unreproducible due to unavailable pip/conda/Ubuntu dependencies and/or unavailable remote resources.
    • Deprecated 1 Java artifact, msgpack-msgpack-java-102003349, for having an unavailable Docker image.

Version 1.2.0

  • Implemented artifact versioning with the status, added_version, and deprecated_version fields.
  • Renamed the current_status field to reproducibility_status.
  • Deprecated 167 artifacts due to unavailable dependencies and other reproducibility issues.

Version 1.1.5

[Maintenance release]
  • Added 117 new artifacts.

Version 1.1.4

[Maintenance release]
  • Updated artifact patching metadata.
  • Added 4 new artifacts.

Version 1.1.3

[Maintenance release]
  • Updated missing diff statistics for artifacts.
  • Added 92 new artifacts.

Version 1.1.2

[Maintenance release]
An artifact's classification and/or exception was updated to reflect a more accurate result. See more information on classification and exceptions here.
  • Refinement to the classifications.
  • Refinement to list of exceptions for artifacts

Version 1.1.1

[Maintenance release]

Version 1.1.0

[Maintenance release]
  • Removed 'NA' from artifacts that should be an empty list of exceptions.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added new 49 artifacts.
  • Set artifacts with empty list of exceptions to include 'NA'.

Version 1.0.0

[Feature release] Initial dataset of 3,091 artifacts.